Are you thinking of buying diamonds? If yes, then you have to look for its originality as a buyer. Diamond is precious stones with a value of millions; they are so tiny in size that billions of rocks will fit in your pocket. So it’s necessary to check for its originality before purchasing. There are many ways by which one can check for real diamond stones. Due to its high value, some fake sellers make exact copies with minimal differences to sell in the market.
Be sure that you stay away from this type of seller. Always buy these precious diamonds from a repudiated and famous jewelry store. Ensure that you get a bill or memo at the time of purchase; it will help you sue the person if they sell you the fake stones. After reading the above, you have many questions in your mind, like checking for the real gems, from where to purchase, and how to trust the seller?
All the questions will have one answer you have to check for a guide or know that tell you the pro tips like below mentioned. If you want to know in detail then you have to read the below-mentioned points very carefully:
Fog test
To check whether the diamond is real or not, place the stone in front of your mouth and fog it with your breath. How to tell if the Diamond chains for men are real? If the diamond remains foggy after some seconds, then it’s fake because a natural diamond remains fogged for just two seconds. If you have a seller selling these types of diamonds, you will have to contact the police about the sale of fake diamond stones.
Water test
In physics, teachers will teach the students that high-density materials will sing in water. Now you have to apply that knowledge here that diamond has a high density to sink in water because of its nature. If your diamond floats on a water surface, then you are at the wrong place and are getting to purchase a fake diamond stone. It’s just simple to have water in a glass and drop the diamond in that water. If you are at a store, then you can tell them to perform this test; if they are selling you the fake diamond, then they will surely disagree with you to complete the test. Stay away from these types of sellers.
Magnify Glass test
If you have a magnifying glass, you can rolex diamond watch the diamond through that glass and look for the diamond’s imperfections. How to tell if the diamond chain is real? Due to the natural substance, there are many imperfections in the diamond, and if there are not and look perfect, you are holding a fake diamond. You can tell them to perform this test and tell them that you know very well that they are selling counterfeit products. If they immediately don’t shut down their business, then you will call the police and sue them in court.

Blacklight test
To check the diamond’s originality, you have to shut off all the lights of a room. And then, the diamonds will glow with a blue fluorescent light that shows the diamond’s identity. If you see another light coming from the stone, then you are holding a fake rock. Be sure that you will perform this test in front of the seller; otherwise, they will say that you exchange the product after purchasing it from the store.
Diamonds are very precious stones with excellent market value. These are so tiny that if one stone is lost, then a person is losing billions. So before purchasing, you have to look for its originality; there are many ways to check; some of the easiest and the best practices are mentioned above. Check them and purchase them from a reliable store.