Real iced out chains are definitely in style this season and if you are planning to get one, then you might want to make sure that you have an idea about how to spot a good one. Now, rappers iced out chains are also quite the fashion so you might want to consider that too. Buying a good chain is all about making the right decisions and as they are going to be something that you are going to have to figure out on your own. On the other hand, worry not because here are some tips that should help you out to make the most out of what is happening and to make sure that you will have an easier hunt.
Personality counts
When it comes to getting a good rappers iced out chains pendants, you might want to consider making sure that you are going to consider the personality that you have. For example, if you tend to want to look more masculine, then big chains would be better on you but if you are of the more feminine type of style, then you might want to go for the smaller chains. Knowing the personality that you are going to be buying your chain for is something that is going to be quite the valuable factor. By knowing the style that you are going for, it will save you the time of having to browse everything instead of having to go for something that is way more specific in the process. It also makes sure that you will be able to zero in the right chain way easier in the process so you might as well check it out for yourself. You want something that fits you and what better way to do that than to consider the style and the personality that you have.
Know the right type
The most common type of chain would be the ball chain which are small round beads that are spaced on a specific distance from each other. This type of tag are most commonly used for dog tags and they are quite popular with men. There are also the types which are known as the box chain which are square boxes linked together and they are most commonly use for those that wants to have a pendant around their neck. This is more popular among women. Considering things like this would definitely be something that will help you out to make sure that you are going to figure out the right type to buy for yourself. There are also cable chains that is one of the simplest types of chain that you can consider. The best thing about it is that it is simple but at the same time it is quite elegant so you should be able to wear it with anything you want. The thickness would range to suit your style, so it is popular for both women and men alike.
Another style that is gender neutral would be the figaro chain which is quite fancier than the normal cable chain and is composed of flattened links that have varying size. It is often chosen for necklaces but also for bracelets. The mariner chain is also something that a lot of people would choose, and they are composed of interlocking ovals that has a bar in the center of the oval. This would usually come in thick sizes, so it is more popular with men. The rope chain on the other hand is something that is designed to look intricate and is more popularly worn with a pendant as its focal point so if you plan on getting a pendant, this might be the chain that you would want to get. There is also the snake chain that is composed of very small rings that can be bands or plates and are mostly knitted closely to form a tube-like type of appearance just like a snake’s skin. They are very flexible and would often complement wearing a pendant on it as well. The wheat chain would also be something to consider and it looks like a braid and it is mostly popular with women as it is quite intricate, and it looks stylish and delicate when worn so you might want to consider this one at the same time.
Know the strengths of the chain
One of the things that you should also consider when buying real Iced out chains would be the purpose. If you are planning to buy it and use it for your daily outfit, you might want to consider getting a chain that would be strong enough to sustain stress on a regular basis. You should consider buying something that has its links soldered individually as they are going to be stronger. You might also want to consider buying something thick and flexible as to sustain the wear that it is going to go through. Bending points would not be ideal as they would be points in which might result to it breaking in the long run. You want something that you can easily replace the links if one of them snaps or something that would be able to handle repair easily. After all, you want it to be as sustainable as possible and this is one of the ways that you should be able to do just that.
Know your material
You should be able to consider what your chain is made of and whether or not it is hollow or solid. If you want something that would not be too heavy on your neck, considering going for a hollow design might be something that you want. However, most rapper iced out chains are the heavy ones as they are solid and filled. You want to make sure that you are going to buy something that you really want in the process and this is surely one of those things so you might as well figure this out and make sure that you are going to do it right.

One of the things that you would want your chain to have is good quality and there are a lot of ways in order to know that. First of all, you want to make sure that there is that tiny engraving on the surface of your jewelry as that would make things easier for you to identify. Manufacturers will include a hallmark when it comes to the things that they buy and you might as well consider that. You should also consider making sure that the links are all intact and that you are going to be able to easily wear it and not have to worry about it suddenly breaking apart. You want it to be as presentable and as beautiful as possible so you might as well keep that in mind in the process.
Chain thickness
Besides knowing the strength of the chain, knowing the thickness that you want it to be is also necessary. The thickness of the chain would determine how it is going to be used. When you have a heavy pendant, going for a thicker chain would definitely be recommended in order to sustain the weight of it. On the other hand, if you have a lighter pendant, then a thinner chain would be more in order. You should keep in mind that thinner chain are more likely to tangle so you ought to keep that in consideration when you are choosing yours. You should choose the one that works best for you.
You should also consider the length of your chain and this would vary depending on how you want to wear it. Most rappers iced out chains would have long chains although if you are having it customized, you might also want to consider the length being the comfortable one for you. The most common wear would be around 14 to 22 inches so you should consider that at the same time.
Without a doubt, the price is something that you should consider as it would help you to figure out what you can afford and what you should buy. If you can, you might want to set up a specific budget before you start browsing on the different designs of real iced out chains on the internet as not to go over the budget and result in overspending. You want to make sure that you will be able to get what you want without going bankrupt.