Buying jewelry online is a great way to find fabulous pieces without leaving the comfort of your own home, but without a little knowledge and savvy, that beautiful diamond ring you order could turn out to be a fake. Here are 10 tips to keep in mind when shopping for jewelry and stones online.

1) When shopping on ebay, always check the seller’s rating and read the comments left by other buyers. Your safest bet is to buy from someone with an established store.

2) Read the fine print. Make sure you know the details of the E-tailer’s return policy and any guarantees on the product. Don’t want to get ripped off? Look for at least a two-week return window. Sellers who offers free return shipping are also a great bet.

3) Look for a comments or testimonials section on the E-tailer’s site. Being able to read the opinions of people who have already purchased jewelry or stones from the E-tailer is great. Be aware, however, that just because an E-tailer has a page with a bunch of quotes from satisfied customers, it doesn’t mean that the seller is truly great. It’s easy to fake these things, so read them, hope for the best, but take them with a grain of salt.

4) Before you are on a secure site before entering any credit card info. When you leave a general page for a secure site, you will often have a pop-up on your browser announcing a security certificate. Make sure this information matches the website’s address.

5) Better yet, look for E-tailers who allow consumers to use a trusted payment site like Paypal. Paypal protects your information for you, and is trusted by millions.

6) The biggest risk in buying online is receiving fake jewelry or stones. An E-tailer may tell you a piece is solid gold, only for you to find out its gold-plated. Know your stuff: buy books on the pieces you are collecting, in order to learn tested methods for determining the veracity of the materials. Again, an established return policy is key.

7) On the same lines, research your prices. Check out the prices of items in retail stores near you, and monitor the going rates on Ebay. If a price seems too good to be true, it probably is. You won’t find a $5000 diamond ring for $500, so don’t expect such a great deal to land in your lap.

8) Know what you want. Don’t buy jewelry or stones just because the price is right. Decide before you browse what items you would like to purchase, and stick with those items.

9) Set a spending limit before you start to shop. It’s easy to get caught up in shopping and spend hundreds, maybe thousands, more than you intended. Choose an amount, based on your research, and stick to it.

10) Buy certified. Valuable gemstones should come with a grading report from one of several grading organizations such as the American Gem Society, the Gemological Institute of America, or the International Gemological Institute. Think twice before buying anything expensive that doesn’t come with a grading report.

By following these tips, you will ensure the most successful jewelry and stones buying experience possible. As you learn more, the process will go smoother. If you are really interested, sign up for a class about gemstones and jewelry at a local community college or online. Remember: A diamond is a girl’s best friend, but it’s knowledge that will serve her until the end.