Gold has long been considered a signifier of luxury. One great way to add some sophistication to your look – and subtly signal to the world that you are a man (or woman) of wealth and taste is to have a golden chain or more.
Gold is considered a precious material or a precious metal. Jewelers love it for its metallic luster and malleability. But gold jewelry isn’t just beautiful; it’s also valuable and a good investment. Good gold jewelry’s value increases with age and you can often resell a piece for more than you bought it.
Golden chains through history
A golden chain, like other forms of gold jewelry, is definitely a jewelry box staple that anyone should aspire to have. It’s a great short term investment because of what it can do for your look, signifying status and taste and a long term investment because of the actual value of gold.
Gold jewelry was one of the first forms of jewelry that were ever created. One of the first world cultures that used gold extensively to create jewelry were the Egyptians. The creation of gold jewelry were seen as honoring the spirits and the most high status people in Egyptian society – such as the pharaohs and priests had golden chains and other jewelry that were buried with them.
While the wearing of gold jewelry never really went away, the incorporation of golden chains into everyday fashion really started in the 1970s and 80s with the birth and rise of hip hop.
As hip hop groups and rappers started to get really big, they started looking for ways to show off their wealth and signify their status as big wealthy stars. One of the first group of rappers that really started to wear gold chains was Run DMC.
These golden chains came to be known as dookie ropes. They looked like either an elongated braid or just a thick strip or chain of gold and gold alloy. They came in a variety of widths and lengths and many artists would layer the chains.
These chains became a way for an artist to signify that they had arrived, a visual representation of their wealth and success.
Dookie ropes are still some of the most common style of golden chains for men and women that you can find in almost any high-class jewelry store.
Stylish designs for golden chains that you should consider
Dookie ropes are still a fashionable choice if you want to add some gold to your look, the more common name for them nowadays are “rope chains”. Not all of them are chunky and heavy looking anymore, you can get some that are slender and delicate looking, especially if they are designed for women.
You don’t have to stick to just rope chains however. Jewelers have created a variety of creative gold chain styles that you can choose from. The following are the most common and popular styles for gold chains.
Cuban link chain
Also known as the Miami cuban link chain, this is basically a chain that is created using oval or square shaped links that are designed to interlock when laid flat. These types of chains first became popular when they started being featured in Miami street style.
Curb chain
This is a variation to the Cuban link chain where the chain is created using oval shaped inks rather than square links.
Franco chain
A Franco chain is a solid looking chain that is created using v-shaped links. The links are placed close together, almost overlapping, which creates a more solid looking chain.
Herringbone chain
This chain pattern is similar to a Franco chain in the sense that it also uses tightly interlocked v-shaped links. The difference lies in the width of the chain links. The chain links of a herringbone chain are wide and distinct, so the end result is a wide flat solid-looking loop of gold.
Figaro chain
The appeal of the Figaro chain lies in the unique pattern of the links. The links of a Figaro chain are made by connecting a few small circular links that connect to a larger, elongated link. Figaro chains are sometimes called three-one links, because that is the common sequence that the pattern follows: three circles, then an oval, three circles.
Mariner chain
This is another chain style with a distinctive, attractive pattern. The links are oval shaped, but they are “cut” in half by a bar that is placed in the center. These types of links look similar to chains used in anchors that keep ships docked, which is why the chain got the name “mariner”.

Can golden chains be worn daily?
The short answer is yes. Like we said, gold jewelry is considered classic accessories that are appropriate for almost any situation. However, gold is also a soft metal, which means that it could wear out quickly with constant use.
If you want to wear a golden chair daily, you should pick a piece that is either actually a gold alloy, gold mixed with a harder metal. A classic example of a good gold alloy that is strong enough to stand up to daily wear is white gold.
White gold is still mostly gold, so it’s considered valuable, mixed with another harder white metal like silver or nickel. This increases the overall strength of the material.
You can also consider just getting a gold chain that is made of stronger links. Thicker, wider links are less prone to wearing out and decrease the danger of the chain breaking at an inopportune time.
The strongest types of golden chain styles are the rope or Cuban chain, Figaro chains, and mariner chains. Not only are the links of these chains thick, they are also soldered individually which means, if they do break, repairs are easy because you just need to replace the link.
How to properly care for your golden chains
As we mentioned at the start of this article, gold jewelry are considered an investment because they increase in value as they age. Good gold jewelry can last you for years, but you need to do a few things to take care of it.
Here are a few steps you need to take to ensure that your golden chains last, even if you wear them daily.
- Gold is a soft metal, so it can be damaged by vigorous activity. Take your golden chains off if you are going to the gym or playing sports.
- Cologne, hair spray and other grooming products can damage gold, so make sure that your golden chain is the last item that you put on when getting your look together.
- Do not get your golden chains wet. It’s best to take off your gold chains before going to the bathroom, the beach, or the pool.
- Store your golden chains properly when you are not using them. If you can get a fabric-lined jewelry box for your chains that is the best option, but you can also just wrap them in soft cloths before putting them away.
- Don’t mix gold chains when putting them away. You want to keep your chains from tangling up as this could lead to scratches.
Should I clean my gold chains?
The short answer to this question is yes. Your golden chains will need to be cleaned regularly if you use them daily.
Skin oils and sweat will dull the shine of your golden jewelry, so when you take them off and are about to put them away, you should run a soft cloth along the length to remove any dirt and residue.
If you think that your chain is beginning to look dirty or dull, you can actually clean them yourself at home. This is how you should do it.
- Make a cleaning solution of about 10-parts warm water to 2-parts dish soap.
- Soak your golden chains in this cleaning solution for about three hours.
- Scrub your chains gently with a soft brush.
- Rinse the chains in clean water.
- Blot your golden chains with a soft cloth till dry.
Make sure that you only use only soft cloths and soft brushes when you are cleaning your gold chain so you don’t scratch it. Don’t use paper towels or even tissues as these can scratch gold.
If you want, you can also use rubbing alcohol to clean your gold chain.