If you are going to purchase a pricey diamond, and have plenty of cash to spare, you ought to look out for bonded diamonds. It is possibly the best decision you could ever make regarding jewelry. There are many benefits and guarantees that are not enjoyed by normal...
Pearls are a timeless pieces for making a fashion statement, and necklaces made of pearl are no less in their beauty and charm. White Pearl necklaces are famous for their natural beauty and brilliance. The luster which is the hallmark of any pearl comes from the...
Global Diamond Exchange of New York, N.Y., has announced updates for shareholders concerning its business strategy of merger and acquisition with Sib Almaz. Completion of the transaction is expected in September of 2007 and as more details come forth the exchange has...
I became a devotee of the Lunch at The Ritz couture bijoux costume jewelry ten years ago. Even on a very tight budget I couldn’t resist that dazzling pair of enameled pink flamingos dripping with Swarovski crystals and gold do-dads. Every year since, when I...
As your vintage jewelry collection grows fewer pieces get to see the light of day because there are only so many pieces of jewelry a girl can wear at the same time. A huge problem collectors find with the pieces they buy is that there are not very many practical ways...